teacher training & CDP

About mindfulness in ELT (again!)

Last year I wrote a blog post about what I perceived as a commodification of an amazing Buddhist concept: mindfulness, or sati. Today, I would like to go back on the topic, after I’ve recently attended: a one-day Vipassana meditation retreat; a two-hour training session on mindfulness for teachers. I now feel I have familiarised with both

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‘I don’t understand nothing!’

How many times have we hear this phrase coming out of one of our student’s mouth? The student who feels she can’t understand ‘nothing’ because she missed a word — or even a phrase — and so switches off completely for the rest of the listening activity, or of the whole lesson. Recently, one of the tasks

‘I don’t understand nothing!’ Read More »

Delta task: Why teach sense relations

In the online Delta course I’m following, one of the tasks for the lexis unit required us to take notes on why sense relations can facilitate vocabulary learning and make lessons more interesting. It also required us to refer to examples of classroom activities and specific teaching strategies which we have used or intend to

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New post series: Delta Tasks

Just a quick update: following advice I will be posting tasks and reflections I have been doing while working on the online Delta Module 1 preparation course I’m attending.

The posts will be mostly my own reflections on the tasks, to which anyone is welcome to add their thoughts or ideas. Their purpose is only to clarify the topics in my head and possibly to get some feedback from colleagues.

New post series: Delta Tasks Read More »

Challenges for 2017

Here we are, the holiday season is over so we are now facing seven months of almost uninterrupted work. This is quite exciting, but also scary as I am going to face a number of challenges that will make everything harder. I think I’ll need to have all my ducks in a row if I

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